
Don’t take our word for it ...

Find out why the world’s leading companies trust Chainguard.

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Security is in the DNA of GitGuardian. And Chainguard really made sense when we started to look at how to streamline and make sure we don't ship our software with any vulnerabilities because that is a really big part of our story.

Romain Jouhannet
Sr. Product Manager
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For years, our team struggled with minimizing and triaging CVEs in one of our most critical customer-facing images. By switching to Chainguard Images, we almost immediately achieved zero-known CVEs in our customer image for the first time in two years, which significantly helped free up engineering and technical success resources to focus on customer innovation and removed the daily headache of vulnerability maintenance associated with that image.

Diego Comas
Head of Security
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Adoption of Chainguard Images has transformed the way our team builds securely with open source software across the organization and has helped to streamline and strengthen our FedRAMP certifications by providing fast open source vulnerability remediation.

Brandon Sterne
Senior Manager Product Security
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